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Follow the nose, your heart and be curious.
It is about finding the cause of a behavior and not just trying to let the symptoms disappear. A natural, conscious & respectful way makes you both happy.
"Respect who they are from nature."
(Turid Rugaas)
It is not about a lot of techniques. In fact, it's about the knowledge of the inherent of the dog and the psychology to support dogs & humans.
Everything is a progress. And a progress don't has to be perfect. I want to support you both - dog & human - to understand each other, communicate and build a trustful relationship.
We have to ensure the 5 bare necessities every single day (enough & high quality food, 24/7 fresh water, poo & wee-wee, social contact, mental stimulation).
For the physical & mental health and a self-confident dog it is essential to stimulate the natural curiosity and to have choices.
"The only way to conquer fear is having choices."
(Turid Rugaas)
Author & Photos: Kristina Hecklinger (www.humandog.eu)
Every living creature has basic needs. In the moment that we cage animals or make them to our pets, it is our task to take care and to ensure their basic needs. The missing of one of these can cause mental and pyhsical damage to your dog.
Author & Photos: Freedogz - Els Vidts (www.freedogz.be)
For humans we know that only 1 whiplash accident can cause long-term pain and suffering. The dog's anatomy is basically the same as ours. A collar damages the vital organs of the neck and causes pain, just like it would be for us.