
Nosework - Workshop
Are you looking for a mental challenge for your dog, and want to learn more about:
✔️ Structure and workings of the dog's nose
✔️ What is scent and how it is affected
✔️ Benefits of nose work
✔️ Practical training of a target odor
Then this workshop is for you!
In the morning we start in the super interesting theory about the nose & smell. Then we put it into practice. A trail for every team.
This workshop is for both, beginner and experienced teams.
Those who know me know that I value small groups.
Each dog works separately. When your dog is not working, he waits/rests in the car or in a quiet place outside the training field.
Date: SPRING 2024 -
Time: 09:00 - approx. 13:30
Price: € 50,- Early Bird "Happy Halloween": € 45,- until 31.10.2023
Price: € 20,- for spectators
Practice places are limited.
Sign up at ? or Contact.
+++ Dates coming soon +++
"Come here with pleasure"
Would you like to have a dog that comes back to you with pleasure and as fast as a jet fighter when you call him?
A reliable recall is one of the biggest challenges for many dog owners and yet it is also the most important life insurance for your dog. Your dog can learn to come to you happily and safely.
Besides a very short theory session on the training steps, problems during training and the right reward, we practice mainly practically on the recall. We practice in a small group of 3 - 4 dogs maximum. All dogs over 6 months of age may participate.
Dates xx.xx.2024 at 09:00 - 10:30 & xx.xx.2024 at 09:00 - 10:30
Price: € 65,00 incl. ACME whistle (value € 13,00)
Price: € 55,00 without ACME whistle
Early bird discount of € 5,00 "Happy Valentine" till 14.02.2023 midnight.
- A well fitting harness (Y/H harness)
- A min. 10m long line
- Lots of very tasty and soft rewards, at least 1-2 cm in size (sausages, boiled chicken, ...)
- A fun toy (pull toy)
If you need a long leash or a harness, please contact me in time (at least 2 weeks before the workshop). Then I can help you find the right supplies.
The dogs must be able to wait in the car during the theory session and during the break.
You can register at: or Contact.
If you have any questions, please let me know.
The date does not fit? This workshop can also be booked for private groups and as individual training on request. Please write or call me for this.
Attraction human! Impulse controle
Date will follow for Summer season 2024.